If you have kids, you’ve probably heard of Thinkery Austin TX. What exactly is it? The Thinkery is a children’s museum in Austin, Texas. If you are a parent, you’ve probably heard of Thinkery and maybe even taken your children there. If you haven’t been to the Thinkery yet, you’re in for a treat. Read on to discover more about this awesome place. It is located at 1830 Simond Ave, Austin, TX 78723.

The Thinkery’s exhibit galleries rotate frequently. Each exhibition features educational experiences that staff members curate. Activities are designed to appeal to children of all ages, and they range from art to science to nature. One of the exhibits for young kids, Let’s Grow, is a garden-themed play area with a story nook. For older kids, there’s the Spark Shop, a makerspace where families can use materials to create things from cardboard.

Thinkery Austin TX was formerly the Austin Children’s Museum and is now home to innovative learning experiences. Through their exhibits, Thinkery equips the next generation of creative problem-solvers.

Thinkery has over 40,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor space where families can engage with science, technology, engineering, and creativity. You can learn from the exhibits, play with them, and discover new ideas while having fun. Thinkery has something for everyone, including adults, so don’t miss this chance to explore Austin.

After a few years of operating as an independently-owned nonprofit, the Thinkery has evolved into a modern museum that has something for everyone. While the Austin Children’s Museum is downtown, the Thinkery is in the heart of East Austin.

The Thinkery hosts school groups and families alike to explore the exhibits. The Thinkery’s exhibits are infused with science and artists, and engage children in social science and problem-solving techniques. Thinkery hours are 10am-5pm, Monday-Friday.

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